Welcome to MUSIC 1 “Exploring Music”

Hi all! This is the online home for Professor Teeple’s Fall 2022 section of MUSIC 1 (“Exploring Music”) at Queens College. Except for the announcements, assignment submissions, and grades that are hosted on Blackboard, all class activity will happen here.

To get started, review the information and complete the tasks listed under the Start Here (Class Info) tab.

Step-by-step instructions on how to join the Commons, make a blog post, and leave a comment are available under the How-to Guide tab. Each unit’s dates, reading, and assignments are listed under the Schedule tab. You can access all course textbooks for free under the Readings tab.  Blog prompts and posts are available under the Blogs tab. Guidelines and rubrics for the different stages of our semester long writing project are available under the Music and… Playlist tab.

This course includes Open Educational Resources (OER), which are entirely cost-free and accessible online. Developed in the Open Knowledge Fellowship at The Graduate Center’s Mina Rees Library, this work is made possible by state grant funding through the Office of Library Services.

About the Instructor

Photo of the instructor's face.

Samuel Teeple is an adjunct lecturer at the Aaron Copland School of Music, Queens College and PhD candidate in Historical Musicology at the Graduate Center, CUNY. His dissertation investigates the music of Jewish Berlin in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries and, more broadly, Jewish contributions to German music. Before moving to New York, he earned two Master’s degrees in tuba performance and music history from Bowling Green State University. Outside of research and teaching, heis a lead developer of the GC Music Teaching Hub, an online repository of open source teaching materials developed by CUNY graduate students.

Library OneSearch

Enter your search term and click Search to find an item in the CUNY catalog.

March 2025

This course includes Open Educational Resources (OER), which are entirely cost-free and accessible online. Developed in the Open Knowledge Fellowship at The Graduate Center's Mina Rees Library, this work is made possible by state grant funding through the Office of Library Services.

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.