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Blog 4 Roman

The song I decided to choose to do a comparison between was Favorite Mistake by Giveon and cover by Lloyiso. Giveon Dezmann Evans was born on February 21,1995, in los Angeles County, CA. Giveon is known to be an American R&B songwriter and singer. Has put out various songs of his own but has also collabed with popular artist on multiple different songs. While when it comes to Lloyiso Gojana, he was born March 8,1999 in South Africa. Lloyiso is known to be an singer, songwriter, musician and producer where he focus is more towards soul pop. Lloyiso goes on to not only put out his own music but he also records and post covers of various artist music on both Tiktok and Youtube. 

The song Favorite Mistake goes on to illustrate the feelings of two individuals in a secret love and ongoing affair where one feels that the relationship is not going to last long. Therefore, he feels the need to cut ties off between each another, although it is not something he fully regrets with what happened. When listening to both versions of the same song for Giveon although he is singing it sounds more like a conversation he is having. When it comes to the tempo of this song it shows to be 170 BPM when sung. The texture within the song would be described as homophony since it would only be Giveon singing and this one melodic line being accompanied by chords. In his version you can hear the piano playing at medium pace, with what sounds like a water drouplets and claps following along towards the end. Although a sudden heavy beat is being played at the end of the song. As for Lloyiso his would be described as homophony since once again the one melodic line is being accompanied by chords. Compared to the original is sounds as it is being sung with more emotion and not as a conversation like in the original. The beat could be seen as much slower with a deepen pitch at some points but goes gradually higher during certain points within the song. A similarity within both performances would be at time stamp 2:09 for Lloyiso and 1:41 Giveon, where there is a similar pace in the specific take off for the lyrics “our secret’s safe”. Additionaly, two differences would be the with the original sung by Giveon he performs this song at a much faster and higher pitch starting from the very begining, while for Lloyiso he performs this at a slower and deep pitch but adds high pitches on 1:26, and  2:23. Over all the different musical settings affect the story and/or emotions of the lyric because when it came to Giveons verison it did give off a sad setting but it sound more as if he was just having a conversation. While as for Lloyiso cover you are able to feel a deeper emotion to the events taking place within the song. 

Favorite Mistake- Lloyiso (cover)

Favorite Mistake -Giveon 

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