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Music and… Playlist

What is the Music and… Playlist?

A playlist of six songs or pieces aligned with a social topic you get to choose (e.g. Music and Feminism, Music and Agriculture, Music and Revolution, etc.). Playlist choices should include a diversity of genres and artists, including at least one example each of folk music, popular music, and Western art music. The only restrictions are that your topic cannot be an emotion/mood (relaxation, excitement, etc.). You will work on the Music and… Playlist throughout the semester; the project is broken down into multiple segments with different due dates.

What will the finished Music and… Playlist include?

  • A topic summary of 200 words that 1) defines your chosen topic and 2) describes the different ways that music relates to that topic
  • Six written playlist entries, one to accompany each song/piece:
    • Each entry begins by listing the performing artist, (composer if necessary), title, year of release
    • About 200 words of writing for each entry
    • Discusses the musical characteristics and social, cultural, or historical background of the song/piece, as well as how it relates to the topic
    • Cites at least three outside sources–not including lyrics/song interpretation websites or Wikipedia
    • Bibliography in APA, MLA, or Chicago style
What stages is the Playlist broken down into?
  • Topic Summary and First Playlist Entry (due Sun. 10/2)
    • Includes topic summary; playlist entry 1; and bibliography; worth 20 pts.
  • Music and… Playlist Part 1 (due Sun. 10/30)
    • Includes revised topic summary and first playlist entry; two additional playlist entries; and bibliography; worth 60 pts.
  • Small Group Peer Review (due Sun. 10/16)
    • Using Blackboard groups, read and review several of your classmates’ topic proposals; worth 20 pts.
  • Music and… Playlist Presentation (due Sun. 12/11)
    • Slide presentation about your playlist; worth 20 pts.
  • Music and… Playlist Parts 1 + 2 (due Sun. 12/18)
    • Includes revised Music and… Playlist Part 1; three additional playlist entries; and bibliography; worth 60 pts.

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March 2025

This course includes Open Educational Resources (OER), which are entirely cost-free and accessible online. Developed in the Open Knowledge Fellowship at The Graduate Center's Mina Rees Library, this work is made possible by state grant funding through the Office of Library Services.

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