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Impellizzieri Blog 1

What I find the most interesting in the Renaissance time period of music is that the composers of this time were focused a lot on creating pieces that dealt with “serenity” and “spirituality.” It goes along with the ideas of this time period, where there was a desire to understand the way in which the world works. This time period is also referred to as “The Age of Humanism.” What I already knew about this time period was that between these years, (1400-1600) is when colonization started to happen, when we could see there was a great diversity in the human race now. The music during this time period is described as an “emphasis on harmonias sonorities” and the use of “soprano, alto, tenor and bass voices,” (Natvig & Cornellius). I chose to look up Giovanni Gabrieli and listened to his song “O Magnum Mysterium” from 1587. The music sounds very angelic and churchlike. This is what I was expecting to hear since the textbook was talking a lot about religion during the Renaissance. It sounded like a very well composed harmony with a lot of focus on the sounds of the instruments and sounds of voices, not actual words which was also mentioned in this textbook.

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