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Lam Blog 3

Technology is knowledge, techniques, and tools that help humans achieve certain goals. Therefore an example of Music technology can be Spotify, an application that streams music from millions of artists all over the world. The purpose of Spotify is to give you global access to songs and podcasts. It has over 400 million monthly users and almost 200 million subscribers which shows how reliable it is. Recently I’ve seen posts on Instagram where people would be able to watch full on movies on Spotify. It’s something that people working at Spotify definitely did not intend to let happen but happens anyways. It only happened for a short amount of time though seeing that when I tried to search up the movies myself, it would come up as blank. I have a lot of experience with this app. I’ve been using Spotify for years now and it’s my go to app to use to listen to music.

#BrooklynBloodPop is a song that can be found on Spotify. It originally became extremely popular when it blew up on Tiktok and attracted many viewers to the sound. Due to its popularity people started looking to listen to the entire song, not just the short 15 seconds found on Tiktok. This is where Spotify came in. With the song now at almost 200 million listens on the app, the creator of the song has benefited greatly. Spotify is an app used globally by people all over the world to do one thing, listen to music.


1 Comment

  1. You make a great point about how Spotify and TikTok work together, Salina. Spotify even has playlists made up of only viral TikTok hits. It seems like TikTok is the new cutting edge of the music industry, but so many artists that get big there don’t have staying power (with a few exceptions like Lil Nas X).

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