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Lam Blog 8

In my opinion good music is music that is catchy. Something that I could listen to for months on end and never get tired of. A song that I’ve been listening to for over a year is B.Y.S by Keshi. B.Y.S also known as By Your Side portrays the story of a one sided love. Throughout the song Keshi shows what it’s like staying by the side of their love interest even when they don’t do the same for you. Something that I found interesting in the song was the fact that it had a very upbeat tempo even though the lyrics represented the feelings of lovesickness. With the way Keshi played the guitar and unique choices of minor chords and catchy beat it became a song that I loved for years on.

I have looked through the Units we’ve gone through this semester and I feel that this song could fit in “Listening at Home and Court.” Relating to what we discussed in that unit I feel that this is a song that I would enjoy listening to alone rather than in public with a group of people. Similar to the troubadours we discussed in the unite Keshi is also an artist who makes the theme of most of his songs revolve around love as shown in B.Y.S.

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