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Padda Blog 4

The song that I chose is “Passionfruit” by Drake, which was released in his 2017 LP, “More Life”. This song has also been covered by Paramore’s Hayley Williams and both versions are great yet drastically different. The song itself is a very subtle yet chill song that can often be described as R&B. Drake is telling a story about an experience he has had with a long-distance relationship and how he struggles to trust her while in said relationship. He often brings up addiction and cheating in the song and he makes clear how he is unable to maintain trust and faithfulness to the woman and eventually stops the relationship. Now, Hayley Williams, although not having a long distance relationship can relate to the lyrics of the song as during the time she performed this at BBC music, her ex-husbands infidelity lead to their divorce. The story is mellow and melancholy at some moments but is a song that many people can relate to. The differences however come around when it comes to the tempo and timbre of the performances. For example, the tempo of the Paramore performance is a little slower compared to the original Drake song. Another difference would be the timbre of each others voices. Hayley heavily changes her timbre especially in the first 50 seconds of her performance. While Drake seems to be pretty constant throughout the song with little timbre changes. 2 similarities is the use of instruments and the “beat” that is being used is the exact same just at different tempos. Another similarity is the mood of the song as it is a chill yet melancholy song and they both hit the nail perfectly on what they are trying to portray with their respective performances.

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