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Posting Guidelines

Blog titles should include your last name and the blog number, like “Teeple Blog 1”.

In your blog posts, I expect two to three paragraphs (around 200 words) in which your ideas are supported by musical or textual evidence. This means that along with giving your thoughts or opinions, you need to provide specific reasons why you have given that answer. Points are given based on your use of evidence and the length of your posts. Copying any text from another person or source–whether a textbook, Wikipedia entry, or online article–without using quotation marks and/or crediting the source is plagiarism and may result in a zero on the blog.

Blog prompts are posted on Monday mornings and due by 11:59pm the following Sunday. Each week’s submissions will remain private until after the due date. You can earn one extra credit point with each blog if you comment on a classmate’s blog on the Monday after the due date.

These comments should be two to three sentences long and be more than a simple “that’s cool,” “I agree,” or “You’re wrong.” It’s fine to disagree or support their point, but provide specific reasons why. Or, if you think of something interesting that relates to or builds on their point, feel free to share that as well.

If you aren’t sure how to make a post or leave a comment, consult the How-to Guide.

Happy posting!

Library OneSearch

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July 2024

This course includes Open Educational Resources (OER), which are entirely cost-free and accessible online. Developed in the Open Knowledge Fellowship at The Graduate Center's Mina Rees Library, this work is made possible by state grant funding through the Office of Library Services.

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Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.