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Chen Blog 4

One of the song I choose is “The Wind Rise (起风了).” The two singer that had performed the song is JJ Lin and Zhou Shen. They are awesome singers and put many emotion inside their songs. The lyrics of the song is about the youth relationship and the unknown, in order to prove what we have to and are eager to go out and explore, however much beauty will be hidden with the tempering of the outside world. Its not until the moment when we return to our hometown that we know that all the beauty is still there. And that the decision to leave for the future is still there. And that there is no regrets since I had left for half of my life but I end up coming back in high spirits.

The timbre of this music is very special. It stated off very soft and low, as it go on the stronger it goes. JJ Lin lay special emphasis on “我曾难自拔于世界主之大 I dreamed to enter a fanciful gate then encounter my dear soulmate” This part of the lyric that JJ sang had put a stronger tempo throughout his song. Which on the other hand Zhou Shen had a special emphasis on “也甘愿赴汤蹈火去走它一遍 without any fear of going down in flame now I have taste it all. The difference of the song is the tone and how they are singing it, but other then that, the whole song is almost the same.

Blog 3 Chen

A piece of music technology I choose would be iPod, because it’s a trend in the 2000s that many people used to listen to music. The iPod is incredibly light and small at 3.1 ounces, with it being thin we can put in in our pocket to carry it alone so easily. It can do what an iPhone can do but it’s so much easier to carry with and to listen to music.

It’s not just being used for listening to music, it’s small enough for children with small hands to play simple games on it. And it can be use to read books. Also it got an 8 Mp camera for children to take pictures and videos. Some people like to use the iPods since it’s designed for mostly for listening to music. They don’t have to worry of receiving phone calls and being interrupted. I never experienced with iPod because I prefer to use iPhone. However there are others like to use iPod more than iPhone.

I don’t think I can find a piece of music with the music technology I choose.

Blog 3 Chen

A piece of music technology I choose would be iPod, because it’s a trend in the 2000s that many people used to listen to music. The iPod is incredibly light and small at 3.1 ounces, with it being thin we can put in in our pocket to carry it alone so easily. It can do what an iPhone can do but it’s so much easier to carry with and to listen to music.

It’s not just being used for listening to music, it’s small enough for children with small hands to play simple games on it. And it can be use to read books. Also it got an 8 Mp camera for children to take pictures and videos. Some people like to use the iPods since it’s designed for mostly for listening to music. They don’t have to worry of receiving phone calls and being interrupted. I never experienced with iPod because I prefer to use iPhone. However there are others like to use iPod more than iPhone.

sorry, I don’t think I can find a piece of music with the music technology I choose.

Chen Blog 2

I am more interest in Chinese music which I would share one of the music by JJ Lin “修炼爱情 Practice Love”. This song is written by him and sang by him in the memorial of a girl which they had crushed upon each other. However, sadly the girl passed away in a plane accident. The rhythm and melody of the song is very upsetting, including all the tears and misses. Good music is meaningful, emotional and self experiences.

As the reading packet 2 has stated that “music must show at least a degree of intentional foresight.” There are humanity in music which when you truly understands the music you’ll get the gist of what this piece of music meant and you will know why it attracts you. I will put a link of the song by JJ Lin, if you are interest you can press into it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWV-f6dMN3Q

Blog 1 Chen

The Medieval Time began around 476 A.D. which can be also called “The Middle Ages or Dark Ages”. The Medieval Age had played a tremendous role in Catholic Church which in that time era the composer’s with vocal music are being well respected. Many might be concerning, what’s the meaning of the medieval music? Let me explain, the medieval music was referred to the Western Europe music in the late 8th through 15th centuries. The musics are around with the church.

Léonin – Messe du Jour de Noël (Ensemble Organum) The rhythm, pitch from Léonin music was surprising amazing. During the entire process of his singing, It’s giving me goosebumps on how different the tone of his music is. The backing voice just gives the perfect fusion that I’m flowing with it. Comparing to today’s music in church, it a lot different, they don’t focus on the melody as strong as back then. Till today this kind of music still glows out cause it’s just a master piece of what they created back centuries ago.

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