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Blog#3 Zhuoyao

The technology I chose is audio recording.

The original purpose of audio recording was to preserve and reproduce sound.Audio recordings include analog and digital recording.Analog recording refers to printing sound waves directly onto physical media (such as records and magnetic tapes).Digital recording is more familiar to me. It refers to converting sound signals into binary code and then processing them on a phone or computer, such as recording music or sound on a recording software.Sometimes I will record songs on my laptop or phone and process them.

The music genre HIP HOP was born from the  technique of sampling, where rappers isolate a snatch of song and play them over and over again to produce a percussive, rhythmic sound, and then innovate it. As the technology in our life is continuing developing, the technology for entertainment is also being more and more advanced, synthesizers play an important role in the music of the 21st century.In Japan, there is a speech synthesis engine called Vocaloid.They recorded and synthesized human voices, and then presented songs by typing in tones and lyrics.And the singers created by these music software are called virtual singers. The advent of this technology means that a song can be created without a band and singers.Here is a song that was created using this technique:https://youtu.be/e1xCOsgWG0M

1 Comment

  1. Audio recording can do a lot for music and musicians. The voice of an artist can add substance to a musical piece. The fact that you can record different sections and pitches of a voice adds elements to the song. Ariana Grande for example likes to layer her voice one on top of the other. This is possible with audio recording because she is able to note down her voice multiple times and add the layers that sound well together. It is what makes her songs very interesting to listen to. So audio recording can have a major influence on how we listen to music and how popular an artist can be.

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