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Kuku blog 8

the question “what is a good music” keeps popping up. for me, never ever should music generally be categorized good or bad. as a matter of fact, there are different type of music. some music are for fun, while some are to send a message.

I will be discussing about this music titled Mariamo. the music is used to send a message and to appreciate the creator grandmother. the history and content of the music includes the artist Qdot speaking about his grandmother raising him in poverty until the day she died. I perticulaly love this type of music that connect send a message of appreciation to people. the music lyrics is in Yoruba so therefore some native Yoruba instruments was used. I can hear shaker, bata, piano. all the instruments was recorded into electronic beat then added to lyrics Socrates the music outcome.

the music piece connect to instruments and music technology. the instruments used are not too popular. the use of bat, shekere, gangan are interesting instruments that that the west aren’t familiar with. this instrument will teach other instruments other than the ones the western people use.

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