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YOU Blog 1

I can say that the Twentieth Century music is the type of music that we all know till this day. It’s the time of music that has a rhythm and easy to choreograph. Comparing to all the other time periods, Twentieth Century has more of an advanced technologies and instruments. So what interest me the most during this time period was how they developed a different type of melody and music compared to the last time period. According to the reading packet it stated, ” Today the opportunities to hear music and the types of music that are available have expanded dramatically as a result of modern technology and increased contact among peoples.” This really made me wonder of how difficult it was to listen to music during the old days since technologies wasn’t as developed as today. So I was interested on how they came up with these modern instruments and technology during the Twentieth Century.

During the Twentieth Century, I know that music wasn’t like the type of music since the Medieval Period and so on. Twentieth Century music has more of a repetition and danceable rhythm like Jazz and Rock. It has a different type of style to it and when I listen to the music sound, It wasn’t what I expected but I can tell its more hyper than the other music sounds because I can hear them using technologies rather than just instruments. We can also see that many artists uses technologies to create the beats and melodies in todays world so it’s nice to read more about how music was created and how different music was during in each time periods.

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March 2025

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