Susan Impellizzieri Extra Credit Blog
Something in relation to music that I have a lot of interest in is the genre of classic rock. There is no music like it. Songs from the 1970’s and the 1980’s are better than a lot of today’s music, in my opinion. The most popular classic rock bands include, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Queen, The Beatles, Journey, Guns N’ Roses, and Bon Jovi, just to name a few. It can be heard on New York’s WBAB radio channel and is all over the internet where you can add it to a playlist or download it. Once certain radio stations started disappearing, that is when the term “classic rock” came about because that is what the remaining stations referred to this type of music as. The history of classic rock dates back to the Antebellum Period of the United States and it began in the deep south on plantations. If I were to teach this topic to a class, I would make a slideshow with notes and pictures and accompany the slides with musical examples from specific bands that I like the most as well as using an example from the mid 19th century since that was the beginning of this genre. Then, people would be able to see and hear the evolution of this music. Classic rock is still popular today and I believe it will never not be popular.
Ibrahim Kuku. Extra credit blog
Osun theme from Beyonce hold up
Osun is a Yoruba deity. she was one of the wives of the god of thunder (Sango). Her original name is oya, but she turned into water in an area called Osun, so I guess her name is also Osun because the river is called Osun river. Oshun is known for her showing of love, beauty, fertility, water, purity and many more. depict being a deity, she is also known for human attributes like jealousy, vanity, spite and more. She is depicted as the protector and the nurture of human beings. she is known to give live and also to take it when being angered through bringing forth flood, destroying livelihood etc.
how to teach the relationship between Hold up by Beyonce and Osun
This Youtube video is the music-video I would play. after explaining my content of Osun to the class, then I will continue be pointing out the imported theme of Osun in this video. these themes includes and not limited to yellow cloth, river, flood, destruction of property, beauty, anger etc. after my lesson, I will then ask the class what other theme of Osun in the video have I not included, If any, and explain the relationship.
Caba Blog 6
Recently, Steve Lacy did his “Give You the World” tour. Many people were excited but to their dismay, it went south very quickly. With the tickets being SUPER expensive as well as almost immediately being sold out within the first 30 minutes to one hour, fans thought they were going to get the performance of a lifetime. That couldn’t have been farther from the truth.
With every seat and floor being filled with people, there wasn’t much room for anybody to move. The crowd started to get very annoying and the focus towards the show quickly turned to talk amongst themselves. This irritated Lacy especially since this is his music that he wants his fans to appreciate. Not only that but it’s basically a waste of his time. Since I never went to a concert, I just expected it to be fans singing along with the artist and once they finish performing, they receive a round of applause and exit the stage. But, in one of the performances, the crowd was singing one of Lacy’s most popular choruses and only managed to sing that small section of the entire song. This further upset him because he was expecting to have an audience that completely knew the lyrics to his songs. But there was one more thing that Steve Lacy did that shocked me. While he was performing, fans kept tossing their phones on stage so Lacy could record on them. Already at his limit with his aggravating fans, he decided to take one of their phones and throw it as hard as he could on the stage, resulting in the phone splitting into multiple pieces. He then proceeded to walk off stage and end the show for the night.
This did NOT match my expectations whatsoever. Even if the performers didn’t talk to the audience, compared to the concerts that were reviewed in Unit 7, I was expecting to see a much calmer/happier environment especially since most concerts nowadays have the artist interacting with their listeners frequently. For example, in the “You Are Dead” concert, there wasn’t anyone talking to each other or people singing along with the stage. There were just the performers doing their job with an audience that came to appreciate and soak up the music they came for. Not phones being destroyed on stage with the performers leaving the stage and ending the entire show.