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Daily Archives: December 5, 2022

Prompt for Blog 9

During our in-class presentations, you were asked to take notes on at least three presentations that you found interesting but had very different topics from your own. Pick one of those presentations and answer the questions below.

To help you answer these questions, the slides for everyone’s presentations will be linked the evening after they present in-class.

  1. In your own words, summarize the connection between the topic and the two music entries discussed in the presentation. Lyrics? Social context? Musically interesting moment?
  2. If you wrote about this topic instead of your own, what kind of music would you pick? Pick two songs/pieces that the author didn’t discuss in their presentation. How would you connect these songs/pieces to your topic? Lyrics? Social/historical/cultural background? Musically interesting moment?

If you prefer, you can include links to your song choices on Youtube or Spotify.

This blog is due on Monday 12/19 at 11:59pm.

Refer to the Posting Guidelines to make sure you get full points for this blog. For help with posting your blog, check out the How-To Guide. You can earn a point of extra credit by reading a classmate’s blog and posting a substantial comment before Wednesday 12/21.

Links to Presentations

Day 1

Music & Racism (Justin)

Music & Feminism (Punesha)

Music & Grieving (Susan)

Music & Feminism (Ibrahim)

Music & Animals (Despina)

Music & Death (Regina)

Day 2

Music & Economics (Kai)

Music & Addiction (Adriana)

Music & Beauty (Megan)

Music & Beauty (Ellie)

Music & Feminism (Katia)

Music & Rebellion (Soja)

Day 3

Music & Poverty (Marcus)

Music & World Peace (Ashton)

Music & Police Brutality (Kayla)

Music & Friendship (Joanne)

Music & Inequality (Luis)

Music & Mental Health (Salina)

Music & War (Anand)

Music & Addiction (Nav)

Music & Feminism (Zhuoyao)

Music & Death (Sophia)

Music & Racism (Derick)

Blog #8 Sunny

The song I’m using is Tim Hughes’s ” Here I am To Worship” . Tim Hughes had written this gospel ballad after he read the book of Philippians 2. He wrote the song quickly and added the melody using his guitar. However, Hughes didn’t end it there, he continued to rewrite the chorus until  he was satisfied with the final product. His song had been covered by many artists in the Christian community. Hughes also was inspired by a Stephen King movie called substitution where the character takes on a punishment that wasn’t meant to be his.  This song would fit into the Music and Religion category since this was a song meant to be sung for Christian people. The song is meant to be sung a little slower with a 75 bpm and in a E major key. In most churches, the congregation sings along with the worship songs so it can be considered a congregational song. It fits in as we were discussing christian worship and this song has been sung it almost every church. It encourages a lot of syllabic and homorythmic singing. The song also follows a verse-chorus form just like many other christian songs.  

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December 2022

This course includes Open Educational Resources (OER), which are entirely cost-free and accessible online. Developed in the Open Knowledge Fellowship at The Graduate Center's Mina Rees Library, this work is made possible by state grant funding through the Office of Library Services.

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