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Blog 3 Cerullo

Ellie Cerullo

A Piece of Music technology I find fascinating is a record player. It was first invented in 1877 and still used today! A record player reproduces sound from records. On the vinyl record, music is recorded with kinetic energy, and it is still better than any kind of digital recording. Once you have the record of your choice, you place it on the track. You then place the stylus on the record. A stylus creates sound waves from physical etchings, engravings or impressions on the record. While the record spins on the track, the stylus moves from the outer rim to the center of the record, playing the song all the way through. There are also speakers connected to the record player that project and amplify the song. Some people or places may use a classic record player for show, since they are aesthetic and could have a very charming appearance. In fact, I find my record player very pleasant to look at. It was given to me by my grandpa, who loves music and I play my favorite band the Beatles on it. I love hearing the crackles before the song starts on my record player. It adds a vintage effect to my old music, and I love it. Speaking of the Beatles, the record player played a huge role in their career. They first made their fortunes after they had their number one record in 1963. Throughout the years they used many different brands of record players and always advanced to the next best one. Fans would buy their records and play them via the record player. As you can see, the record player helped evolve the art of producing and listening to music for years. 


Marcial Blog 3

DAWs or Digital Audio Workstation is any software that runs on a computer, that records, produce and edits music audio files. You can record vocals for sing/rapping and sampling audio. You can also play instruments virtually on a DAW that were digital recordings of real instruments and synth sounds.People that use this technology are mainly Music producers, Artist (Singer, Rapper) and Mixing engineers. They can use this technology for creating music for genres like Hip-Hop, Pop, R&B; or creating music for Tv, Film, and Commercials. DAWs influences the way how music is produced because, it is a faster method of creating music. You no longer need a band or orchestra to compose music when you can play all the instruments on one digital software. You can also record and edit faster on a DAW. Examples of DAWs that are known are Pro-tools, Ableton, FLStudio, Logic Pro x, MPC, and NI Maschine.

Mainly songs you hear today like Travis Scott ”Highest in the Room” are recorded digitally on a DAW.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_audio_workstation

Blog 3 Derick Caba

TikTok. No, not the sound of a clock. Nope, not the sound of your watch either. TikTok! The super popular social media and funny video app! If you haven’t heard of this app then you must be living under a rock. It is the #1 entertainment app out on the Appstore today! With over one billion users. Yes, one billion. TikTok originally was called “Musical.ly” and was more focused on creators (users) making videos that had music in the background which they would either dance to or lip sync to. Now, the new updated version of Musical.ly (TikTok) is more oriented towards anything mainly being funny videos. But there is one feature that everyone knows about yet it isn’t widely known for it. Its music streaming! Well, sorta. TikTok is able to play a brief portion of any song in a creator’s video. This feature on top of videos going viral for silly reasons has completely changed the way people find music! When a video is going viral and others make videos with the same “Sound” (song) it kind of starts to get stuck in your head which then makes you or anyone else search it up to hear it again! I have had my fair share of earworms because of TikTok, but one song in particular really helped jumpstart my favorite artists career, Jack Harlow. His first big song “Whats Poppin” gained a massive amount of listeners not only because he is so catchy but because of TikTok. After her received a great amount of attention, he continued to make more music as well as his other songs gaining traction which eventually got him in the top charts of Hip Hop/Rap.  

Dejahnay Blog 3

Something I would consider to be musical technology is a microphone . A microphone is ” an instrument that converts sound waves into electrical energy variations which may then be amplified, transmitted , or recorded”. It’s purpose is to amplify sound.To achieve its purpose it must go threw the process of electromagnetic induction , which is when the sound waves create electrical currents when attached to a speaker makes it louder and therefore you can now reach the ears of people all over a room , stadium etc. Even though the microphone is mostly used in music people are now using it for different things like creating content (Youtube , TikTok), Sports( spokesmen/woman), Ted Talks etc. I had my own personal experience with microphones because i used to participate in talent shows a lot for singing so using microphones is nothing new to me. The song I’m going to choose to prove my point is ” God is a Women” by Ariana Grande (the live version) after watching the video you can see how the microphone help her during her performance . Having the microphone allowed her to be heard all thorough the stadium clearly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKm4YqadSGw

Lam Blog 3

Technology is knowledge, techniques, and tools that help humans achieve certain goals. Therefore an example of Music technology can be Spotify, an application that streams music from millions of artists all over the world. The purpose of Spotify is to give you global access to songs and podcasts. It has over 400 million monthly users and almost 200 million subscribers which shows how reliable it is. Recently I’ve seen posts on Instagram where people would be able to watch full on movies on Spotify. It’s something that people working at Spotify definitely did not intend to let happen but happens anyways. It only happened for a short amount of time though seeing that when I tried to search up the movies myself, it would come up as blank. I have a lot of experience with this app. I’ve been using Spotify for years now and it’s my go to app to use to listen to music.

#BrooklynBloodPop is a song that can be found on Spotify. It originally became extremely popular when it blew up on Tiktok and attracted many viewers to the sound. Due to its popularity people started looking to listen to the entire song, not just the short 15 seconds found on Tiktok. This is where Spotify came in. With the song now at almost 200 million listens on the app, the creator of the song has benefited greatly. Spotify is an app used globally by people all over the world to do one thing, listen to music.


Markakis Blog 3

Sampling is a technique that was born under hip hop that uses a clip from a preexisting song. The clip is isolated and then looped underneath a rapper. People are often debating the use of samples and the copyright laws behind it. It can be considered plagiarism if proper credits and previous negotiations are not settled. I have heard some songs where I can recognize a sample because I hear it in many songs. A popular song that used samples is M.C. Hammer – U Can’t Touch This. The sample is taken from Rick James – Super Freak. The sample played the whole time in the song.

Blog#3 Zhuoyao

The technology I chose is audio recording.

The original purpose of audio recording was to preserve and reproduce sound.Audio recordings include analog and digital recording.Analog recording refers to printing sound waves directly onto physical media (such as records and magnetic tapes).Digital recording is more familiar to me. It refers to converting sound signals into binary code and then processing them on a phone or computer, such as recording music or sound on a recording software.Sometimes I will record songs on my laptop or phone and process them.

The music genre HIP HOP was born from the  technique of sampling, where rappers isolate a snatch of song and play them over and over again to produce a percussive, rhythmic sound, and then innovate it. As the technology in our life is continuing developing, the technology for entertainment is also being more and more advanced, synthesizers play an important role in the music of the 21st century.In Japan, there is a speech synthesis engine called Vocaloid.They recorded and synthesized human voices, and then presented songs by typing in tones and lyrics.And the singers created by these music software are called virtual singers. The advent of this technology means that a song can be created without a band and singers.Here is a song that was created using this technique:https://youtu.be/e1xCOsgWG0M

blog 3 Kuku

the musical instrument I will be talking about is pen and paper. many people may think that this two object are not related to technology because they was born into a world that already discovered pen and paper. but never forget that without this instrument, music can never be passed down through writing, reading, and even symbols. it can only be passed down through memorization. the purpose of paper and pen is to be about to access music any year from the seconds it was written, by anyone who is interested in the musical piece. while talking about pen and paper, I am not just talking about the actual pen and paper but I am also including both the olden version and the modern version of pen and paper. the olden version may be ink and animal skin, while the modern version may be keyboard and digital screen. all of this are used to recording music so that the reader can digest the writer tone, lyrics, and many more.

an example of modern pen and paper will be https://youtu.be/Q6DlcfacMos

the music technology I have chosen have helped the reader learn precisely what the music composer was speaking about. this is very helpful because music now a days includes a lots of vocals, unlike music in the olden days which mostly include instrument and less vocal.

Viola Blog 3

The purpose of a musical format is to store music. In order to store music digitally, you have to slice the audio signal and store each slice as a binary code. Also, the way the music is stored affects the shape of the music. For instance, MP3S “only record a limited range of frequencies and cut out the rest; small size but compressed sound”. Also, for records the grooves get “worn out as you play them, causing a ‘hiss’ sound.” Musical format has been used in different forms. For example, as records, tapes, MP3S, analogs, and digitally. I have experience with this technology because I have listened to records before. Most music uses a musical format and it influences the music because it helps to order sell and promote the music/artist. For instance, Tate McRae has started selling MP3S of her newest album “i used to think i could fly”. One of her most popular songs is “she’s all i wanna be”. https://youtu.be/uS_y_65CcpA

Blog 3 Chen

A piece of music technology I choose would be iPod, because it’s a trend in the 2000s that many people used to listen to music. The iPod is incredibly light and small at 3.1 ounces, with it being thin we can put in in our pocket to carry it alone so easily. It can do what an iPhone can do but it’s so much easier to carry with and to listen to music.

It’s not just being used for listening to music, it’s small enough for children with small hands to play simple games on it. And it can be use to read books. Also it got an 8 Mp camera for children to take pictures and videos. Some people like to use the iPods since it’s designed for mostly for listening to music. They don’t have to worry of receiving phone calls and being interrupted. I never experienced with iPod because I prefer to use iPhone. However there are others like to use iPod more than iPhone.

I don’t think I can find a piece of music with the music technology I choose.

Blog 3 Chen

A piece of music technology I choose would be iPod, because it’s a trend in the 2000s that many people used to listen to music. The iPod is incredibly light and small at 3.1 ounces, with it being thin we can put in in our pocket to carry it alone so easily. It can do what an iPhone can do but it’s so much easier to carry with and to listen to music.

It’s not just being used for listening to music, it’s small enough for children with small hands to play simple games on it. And it can be use to read books. Also it got an 8 Mp camera for children to take pictures and videos. Some people like to use the iPods since it’s designed for mostly for listening to music. They don’t have to worry of receiving phone calls and being interrupted. I never experienced with iPod because I prefer to use iPhone. However there are others like to use iPod more than iPhone.

sorry, I don’t think I can find a piece of music with the music technology I choose.

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